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5 Tips To Help You "Start and Modify as You Go"

Writer's picture: Monique C. Johnson, Ed.D.Monique C. Johnson, Ed.D.

Updated: Mar 25, 2020

My tag line for my coaching and consulting business is “Start and Modify as You Go”. I’ve been saying it and writing it but I’ve never explained what it means to me.

When I say "Start and Modify as You Go", it comes from a place of experience. I’ve lived it and most of us are living it every day. It’s on-going and usually involves some type of change or action step. So what is the "it"? The "It" refers to the act of moving in the direction of your goals, hopes, and dreams.

Prior to starting my consulting business and working as a coach, I weathered several changes throughout my own career, including four corporate relocations with my husband that led me to four different states. These experiences have been pivotal for truly “understanding” the challenges associated with navigating new relationships, unfamiliar environments and the quest for personal fulfillment.

I describe myself as a “trailblazer” and not a “trailing spouse”. Merriam-Webster dictionary describes a trailblazer as one that blazes a trail to guide others. I was navigating new territory not just for myself but for my whole family. I reinvented myself to find meaningful work that would allow me to be there for my family in ways that were important to me. My goal was to make each move a smooth transition for us all.

"Starting and Modifying as You Go" is about moving forward taking a few steps each day, week or month in the direction of your goals. Sometimes those goals and dreams transform over time and that’s okay. Here are some key concepts to help you start and modify as you go:

1. Let go of perfection. Perfect isn’t everything and everything isn’t perfect. There is no such thing as the perfect time. Some timing is better than others but in general it’s rare that everything is in sync. While you’re waiting for perfect, life will pass you by. Don’t wait to start that business or apply for that promotion. Sometimes taking chances can lead to beautiful destinations.

2. Get clear on your goal. Self-awareness and reflection are essential. Asking yourself tough questions, journaling or even working with a career coach are ways to help you gain clarity. Your goal can be as big or moderate as you want it to be. It’s yours and it needs to fit you and your desires.

3. Take one step at a time. Create SMART (Specific, Measurable, Action-Oriented, Realistic, Time-Bounded) goals. Identify the action steps that will help you achieve your goal and determine the timeline for completion. Complete one action after another. Don’t give up. Keep going.

4. Accept change. Change is a given in life. You have to be able to adapt to change. Change is not a roadblock it simply means find a new route and proceed with caution. You have to believe that it’s all going to work out.

5. Be consistent. Don’t allow your goal to fall by the wayside. Every action counts toward your goal even the smallest of steps. Stay the course and don’t give up!

Our paths vary but ultimately our desired destination is the same which is finding joy in our work, our loved ones, and our everyday life. Keep striving and making moves. “Start and Modify as You Go!”. If you need help gaining clarity, I’m only a phone call or Zoom call away. Reach out to me here.

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