Limiting thoughts and beliefs influence our mindset. That's no secret. As a way to help clients address mindset issues, I’ve created a framework that provides a lens for thinking about career decisions that can also be applied to other aspects of our lives.
Retraining our minds and our thoughts can be challenging but it’s definitely doable. You control your thoughts or they control you.
The L.E.A.D. (Listen, Embrace, Affirm, Decide) Coaching Framework is designed to challenge you in four areas. This message addresses one of the four pillars of the framework and that is “LISTEN”.
Listening is a key element of communication. One of the primary ways that we send messages is through conversation but receive them through listening. We are conditioned and often trained to listen to others as we should.
My goal is to inspire you to “LISTEN TO YOURSELF” as well. It may sound self-absorbed but this recommendation is intended for the purpose of self-management, self-care, and growth.

Listening to yourself also means addressing your inner thoughts and intuition. You know, that gut feeling that you have about a person or situation.
Focus on the parts of a career or personal circumstance that you are most concerned about and weigh the pros and cons. Do a deep dive. Write it out in order to get it out of your head.
Perhaps you have a personal issue that you've pushed to the back of your mind. If you are uneasy about something, don’t overlook it. Giving thought and attention to the red flags is what listening to yourself looks like.
For me, one of the ways I have begun to listen to myself better is by addressing health concerns and losing weight. It was long overdue and my body was telling me it was time to get serious. Other ways I have not listened to myself include accepting a position that I knew was not going to be a good fit for me at that time. I was under a lot of stress because I chose to ignore my instinct and life circumstances.
Remember, your best interest is always a part of the equation regardless of the situation. Your joy and happiness depend on it. LISTEN TO YOURSELF.
If you need additional support, explore it further with a certified Career or Life Coach to guide you on your journey. For starters, ask yourself the following questions…
In what ways have I NOT listened to myself?
What next steps can I take to listen to myself better in my career and personal life?